What does a Utility attorney do?

Often times, when talking to people, after my elevator speech, a puzzled look comes over their face. The next words out of their mouth are all too familiar. “What is a utility lawyer?” When I first started working on utility issues, I didn’t have a great answer. Often it was ” Well? I help clients … More What does a Utility attorney do?

Non-Immigrant Visas for Businesses

Often times, businesses  and foreign national students contact us with questions about employment based visas. Hernandez Law Firm strives to help connect businesses and potential employees with each other to benefit one another and the U.S. economy in general. Nonimmigrant (temporary) visa categories are based on the type of activity that is to be performed in … More Non-Immigrant Visas for Businesses

Can You Pack?

This past week the Missouri Legislature met in a session to discuss and attempt to override a number of approved bills from this past spring session. What has hit the airwaves and online boards this past week was the passage of Senate Bill 656 – the Constitutional Carry bill; which makes it legal generally to allow … More Can You Pack?

Actions by Employers that Increase the Chance of a Lawsuit

Being an employer and holding the responsibility of maintaining a healthy work environment is indeed a challenging task. There are employees who simply cannot get along with another, others who fail to carry out their duties, and workers who conduct themselves in an inappropriate manner at times. On the other side of the coin, employees … More Actions by Employers that Increase the Chance of a Lawsuit

According to National Safety Council, workers who suffer cuts and lacerations in the workplace get very little time to recover.

Most of these injuries are preventable if safe work practices are employed. However, even minor cuts require medical treatment to avoid infections. In this post, mid-Missouri’s workers comp lawyer will discuss prevention and treatment of work-related cuts and lacerations. Preventing Workplace Cuts and Lacerations Some poor workplace habits contribute greatly to causing serious lacerations. Using inappropriate tools, … More According to National Safety Council, workers who suffer cuts and lacerations in the workplace get very little time to recover.

“…the misconduct in this case was not police misconduct, but prosecution misconduct.”

Words from the Western District Court of Appeals this last week. The case State v. Clampitt,  WD73943, involves a case of 4th amendment search and seizure law, and right to privacy issues. In that case, the Western District upheld the trial courts judgment in granting a motion to suppress cell phone text messages from a … More “…the misconduct in this case was not police misconduct, but prosecution misconduct.”

New Beginnings

Today is the first time since I left MSPD that I feel that I am getting somewhere. But before that, lets start about a week ago. … After 4 years 1 month and 8 days, I left MSPD for the venture of a lifetime. I began my own law firm. Hernandez Law Firm, LLC located … More New Beginnings